JuMo Fitcoin grants you access to different restricted & premium workouts / games on this platform.
All restricted workouts require specific amount of JuMo Fitcoins to access them.
Once the session starts (Solo or Squad) , that specific amount of JuMo Fitcoins is deducted from your balance.

How can you replenish your JuMo Fitcoin Balance?

Sign up

Coins granted when you signup

Invite Others (Only Click)

Coins granted when you send invite link to others and they click on it

Invite Others (SignUp)

Coins granted when you send invite link to others and they Signup using that link

Performance Score (Solo)

Coins are granted corresponding to your performance & activity in the game or workout. So be MORE ACTIVE! Try different workouts!

Workout coefficient x Performance metric
Performance Score (Groups)

Coins are granted corresponding to your performance & activity in the game or workout. But TWICE as much in group workouts.

2 x Workout coefficient x Performance metric
Create Group sessions

Coins are granted when you create groups for activities. Doing activity in Groups is fun! We want you to do it more often.

2 x Number of Participants

Activity and Community are the essence of JustMove platform. The more you workout, preferably with others, the more JuMo Fitcoins you earn.

If you are still short on JuMo Fitcoins, simply write to us at contact@justmove.fun.